


Basic usage

<color-picker space="oklch" color="oklch(60% 30% 180)"></color-picker>

Color spaces not supported by the browser also work:

<color-picker space="okhsl" color="color(--okhsl 180 50% 50%)"></color-picker>


<color-picker space="oklch" color="oklch(50% 50% 180)">
	Element content goes into the swatch

You can use your component instead of the default color swatch:

<color-picker space="oklch" color="oklch(50% 50% 180)"
              oncolorchange="this.firstElementChild.textContent = this.color">
	<color-inline slot="swatch" style="place-self: center; min-inline-size: fit-content"></color-inline>


As with other components, you can listen to the colorchange event:

<color-picker space="oklch" color="oklch(50% 50% 180)"
              oncolorchange="this.firstElementChild.textContent = this.color.oklch.join(' ')">
	<div class="coords"></div>


All attributes are reactive:

	<select id="space_select" size="3"></select>

<color-picker id="dynamic_picker" space="oklch" color="oklch(60% 30% 180)"></color-picker>

<script type="module">
	import Color from "https://colorjs.io/dist/color.js";

	space_select.innerHTML = Object.entries(Color.spaces)
		.map(([id, space]) => `<option value="${id}">${space.name}</option>`)

	space_select.value = "oklch";

	space_select.oninput = () => dynamic_picker.space = space_select.value;



Name Description
(default) The color picker’s main content. Goes into the swatch.
swatch An element used to provide a visual preview of the current color.

Attributes & Properties

Attribute Property Property type Default value Description
space space ColorSpace | string oklch The color space to use for interpolation.
color color Color | string oklch(50% 50% 180) The current color value.


Name Description
input Fired when the color changes due to user action, either with the sliders or the color swatch’s input field.
change Fired when the color changes due to user action, either with the sliders or the color swatch’s input field.
valuechange Fired when the value changes for any reason, and once during initialization.
colorchange Fired when the color changes for any reason, and once during initialization.

CSS variables

The styling of <color-picker> is fully customizable via CSS variables provided by the <color-slider> and <color-swatch>.


Name Description
swatch The default <color-swatch> element, used if the swatch slot has no slotted elements.

Planned features


To install all color elements, check out the instructions on the homepage. The rest of this section is about using only <color-picker>.

The quick and dirty way is straight from the CDN (kindly provided by Netlify):

<script src="https://elements.colorjs.io/src/color-picker/color-picker.js" type="module"></script>

or in JS:

import "https://elements.colorjs.io/src/color-picker/color-picker.js";

If you are using npm to manage your dependencies, you can import it via:

import "color-elements/color-picker";


import { ColorPicker } from "color-elements";